10 Movie Directors Who Somehow Convinced Themselves They Can Act

3. Tyler Perry


Preferred Acting Style: Whatever Takes Less Effort The worst thing about Tyler Perry isn't directly about Tyler Perry: it's more to do with the fact that people who have seen one Tyler Perry movie go back to see the next one. And the next one. And the next one. And the next one. Until, yes, Tyler Perry somehow becomes the highest paid director in Hollywood, and I'm sitting at home wondering what the hell has happened to the movie business. Aside from being a writer/director, though, the man also considers himself to be an actor, which is made apparent because he casts himself in every movie. Tyler Perry's version of acting is either "in drag" or "out of drag," but as witnessed by the Godawful Madea movies and his recent foray as the titular character in the new Alex Cross movie, he sucks at both. In drag, the man spends most of his time shouting and hamming it up to incomprehensible levels, whilst as a "serious" actor he looks like the guy in your amateur theatre class who people occasionally mention should "try to be a proper actor." The reason that guy isn't a proper actor, though? Because he's not good enough. Unlike Perry, though, he knows it.
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All-round pop culture obsessive.