10 Movie Dogs We Wish We Could Own In Real Life

6. Beethoven From Beethoven (1992)

Beethoven When Beethoven, the bumbling St Bernard escapes two cruel dog nappers and is welcomed into the Newton family home he thinks he has escaped the worst of it, but for Beethoven what lies in store is a dastardly veterinarian who is set on capturing him to perform harmful experiments in his lab. Although, George, the father of the Newton family does not immediately warm to Beethoven, he realises soon that it is up to him to save the family pet. The pensive looking St Bernard was such a hit that there have been 6 sequels making Beethoven one of the most famous and well loved movie dogs.

5. Dougal From The Magic Roundabout (2005)

Magic Roundabout I admit, perhaps as a child I wasn't entirely sure whether Dougal was a dog, or a mop but this ernest, culturally aware, overly hairy dog is extremely lovable. I, for one would love a dog that could make cultural references with me. Dougal is (supposedly) a Skye Terrier although I'm not sure how true to life this depiction is. Regardless, Dougal is the kind of dog anyone would love to own. Fun Fact: In North America, Dougal is known as Doogal and Pollux in the original French version of the television show.

Currently studying German with Dutch, big passion for music, movies and coffee.