10. Red (Danny McBride)
Movie: Pineapple Express (2008)
Why Hes a Douche: Hes a slimy little stoner, wholl do anything to benefit himself, including handing a supposed friend over to the men whore hunting him. With his brash personality, his dreadful perm, his penchant for Kimonos dawg, and his mile-wide yellow streak, Red would get under anyones skin within half an hour.
Why You Love Him: Weve all got a friend like Red. Hes so brash, arrogant and often annoying, but by god is he funny. And humour will get you far in life. Hes so riddled with flaws that hes almost a walking parody of himself and for that reason its hard not to feel for him immediately. Plus, he just wont seem to die, no matter how many times hes shot, or how many explosions or car crashes hes in he really is just like that douche bag friend of yours that youve never been able to shake.