10 Movie Dystopias That Should've Happened By Now

9. Fortress

Escape From New York Poster
Dimension Films

Also set in 2017, Fortress portrays a society where reproduction is limited to one child per woman, abortion is illegal and if you break either of those rules you go to prison. If you bounce a check, you go to prison. If you disrespect authority, they will break down your door and haul you away.

We are not talking about any regular prison here but The Fortress, a private maximum security facility maintained by the Men-Tel Corporation, who the federal government pays $27 a day for each prisoner. This buys a ton of cool stuff including networked robots armed with machine guns and flamethrowers, so it is in Men-Tel’s interests for folks to be arrested and interred on inflated charges.

The Fortress is run by Director Poe, an “enhanced” being who doesn’t eat or sleep, he just looks forward to the day when his kind take over the planet. So basically the world in 2017 belongs to a soulless pod person and his Men-Tel colleagues. Who knew?


Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'