10 Movie Endings Actors Didn't Know Were Going To Happen

6. Phillips Is Treated For Shock - Captain Phillips

Pearl Mia Goth
Columbia Pictures

Captain Phillips unforgettably concludes with the title character (Tom Hanks) being rescued from his Somali pirate captors and brought onboard the USS Bainbridge for treatment.

Director Paul Greengrass sticks with a visibly traumatised Phillips as medics attend to him, while he thanks the rescue team for saving his life.

It's a phenomenal piece of acting from Hanks that bafflingly failed to secure him a Best Actor Oscar nomination, yet feels like the perfect way to wrap things up.

But believe it or not, this scene wasn't actually on the script or planned out in advance. In a press conference at the New York Film Festival, Hanks confirmed that Greengrass had the real captain of the USS Bainbridge on set, and simply asked him what happened once Phillips was rescued.

And so, when the captain explained that they took Phillips to the infirmary for treatment, the movie's crew did just the same.

Despite the scene not being scheduled or prepared for in any way, Greengrass had some lights quickly set up in the infirmary and shot Phillips being treated with a few unsuspecting real-life medics on the ship.

Greengrass encouraged the medics to simply treat Hanks like they would any real patient, while assuring them that if the scene didn't work out, it wouldn't be used in the film.

But the scene certainly did work and despite being thrown together with basically zero planning, serves as the movie's big emotional climax.

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Pearl Mia Goth
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