10 Movie Endings Actors Didn't Know Were Going To Happen

3. Solomon Kane Survives - Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation

Pearl Mia Goth

Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation saw Sean Harris make his debut in the franchise as villain Solomon Lane, but like most of the cast Harris wasn't quite sure exactly what he was signing up for.

Since Christopher McQuarrie came aboard the franchise as director with this movie, he's adopted an unconventional filmmaking style, of picking out cool locations to stage set-pieces, and more-or-less writing the story as he goes along.

The disastrous potential of this speaks for itself, yet for Rogue Nation and especially sequel Mission: Impossible - Fallout, the results have been quite spectacular.

Except perhaps not for Harris, who ended up shooting a very different ending to the one he expected.

In McQuarrie's own words, Harris only agreed to star in the film if Lane would be killed off at the end, but McQuarrie ultimately ended up changing his mind:

"Sean Harris did not wanna be in this movie. He didn't want to be in a franchise movie. He's just not that kind of guy at all. And when I finally convinced him to be in it, the first thing he said to me was, 'Promise me you'll kill me. So just don't bring me back because I don't want to be in five of these movies.'... On the last night of the shoot, he was like, 'Is there any way you can kill me?' I said, 'Yes, I'll kill you right now. With the stroke of a pen, you're a dead man. If the audience likes you, you've got a twin brother you don't know about, or a clone or a prequel, you're coming back, whether you like it or not. We've got you, man.’ [Laughs]"

And so, unable to bring himself to off a potential-rich villain, McQuarrie ditched the original plan of having Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) kill him off, ending the movie instead with Lane being captured and gassed unconscious, only to re-appear in Fallout.

Even though Lane again survived that movie, he hasn't yet been confirmed to appear in the upcoming Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One, so it's looking like he might've been given the belated walking papers he wanted.

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Pearl Mia Goth
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.