10 Movie Endings Darker Than You Remembered

4. The Aliens Are Probably Coming Back To Wipe Out Humanity - District 9

District 9
Sony Pictures Classics

Neill Blomkamp's Best Picture-nominated sci-fi classic District 9 appears to conclude on a fairly hopeful note, as alien Christopher Johnson is able to escape Earth with his young son CJ, while promising Wikus (Sharlto Copley), who turns into a prawn by film's end, that he will return to cure him.

But even if Christopher was telling the truth and is indeed able to cure Wikus, it's far from a guarantee that he will ever actually return.

More to the point, once Christopher gets home and informs his fellow aliens of the situation on Earth - that their kind are confined to a camp and viewed with disdain by most humans - it's easy to imagine a scenario where the aliens stage a full-on invasion of Earth.

The aliens will return, but only to rescue their own kind and seek revenge on the humans who treated them so poorly.

Even if Christopher has only the best intentions, he'll likely be unable to quell a tidal wave of homicidal alien rage, helpless to stop them from unleashing their superior weaponry upon the human meat sacks.

While District 9 doesn't paint a remotely flattering portrait of Earth and the people on it, it's still an undeniably bleak outcome for the human race.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.