10 Movie Endings Darker Than You Remembered

2. Healy Resumes His Self-Destructive Alcoholism - The Nice Guys

District 9
Warner Bros.

Shane Black's ludicrously entertaining - and criminally under-seen - neo-noir The Nice Guys ends with Healy (Russell Crowe) and March's (Ryan Gosling) case effectively falling apart, the Detroit automotive industry having successfully suppressed the catalytic converter (for now).

The film's final scene sees Healy and March meeting up in a bar to drown their sorrows, with functioning alcoholic March happily telling Healy, "At least you're drinking again," to which a sozzled Healy replies, "I feel great."

While an undeniably hilarious exchange, it's also important not to trivialise the fact that Healy abstained from alcohol consumption throughout the film, and by falling off the wagon so spectacularly, and now forming a new detective agency with an enabler like March, is likely headed down a path of self-destructive alcoholism.

Though the ending sets up a sequel - which due to the film's paltry box office we'll sadly never get - that nods to the pair's continued adventures, the far more likely outcome is that Healy ends up drinking himself into destitution if not an early grave outright.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.