10 Movie Endings That Get Worse The More You Think About Them

You're not supposed to linger on these bleak-ass endings.

Don't Worry Darling
Warner Bros.

A great ending can immortalise a movie in the minds of moviegoers forever more, serving as a stunning cherry on top of a film that was already doing everything right.

But not all endings simply say everything that needs to be said - sometimes it's only later that audiences think back on it and realise that it was implying so, so much more.

And in the case of these 10 movies, each of them made some incredibly grim suggestions which the majority of audiences likely didn't realise until a little while later, if at all.

And so, the more you think about these endings and everything they tee up for the central characters, the worse they get.

From "triumphant" endings that are really anything but, to finales that are even bleaker than they seem, and everything else in-between, each will fester in your mind as you consider the horrifying possibilities that they actually suggest.

The optimistic among us might hope that things go another way, but going by the information that each film gives us, only misery, suffering, and maybe even death await the central characters in each of these movies...

10. Maddox & Trent's Lives Are Ruined - Old

Don't Worry Darling

M. Night Shyamalan's Old ends with siblings Maddox and Trent being the only two surviving main characters, but the rapid ageing effects produced by the focal beach have caused them to age from 6 and 11 years old respectively into middle age.

And even though Maddox and Trent seemingly get malevolent pharma company Warren & Warren's operations shut down at film's end, the audience is left to ponder precisely what sort of life the duo will have from this point on.

Even as Maddox insists they'll be OK in the film's final moments, will they really? They've just been robbed of around four decades of life, and will likely spend the rest of their days struggling to exist as young people trapped within their own aged bodies.

Can they go back to school? Or are they just supposed to get jobs now despite mentally being children? How will dating work? 

Adjusting to their new normal would be absolute hell, and honestly, who could blame the pair if they simply fell into a depression hole for the rest of their days? 

With nobody else on Earth sharing their unique predicament, the support systems to reintegrate them into society are going to basically be non-existent.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.