10 Movie Endings That Get Worse The More You Think About Them

4. Snake Condemns Humanity - Escape From L.A.

Don't Worry Darling

Escape from L.A. isn't a great movie, but the ending is absolutely wild, when Snake Plissken (Kurt Russell) stops the President's (Cliff Robertson) plan to dominate the world in the most scorched Earth manner possible.

The POTUS plans to use a remote satellite system called the Sword of Damocles to shut down the electronic devices of any nation hostile to the United States, but in the film's final moments, Snake hijacks the superweapon and uses it to deactivate all tech on the planet.

Basically, the film ends with the world plunged back into the Dark Ages, much to Snake's perverse delight. It's a totally badass ending, if also one that makes this already dystopian world even bleaker. 

By robbing the world of electricity, Snake has likely condemned hundreds of millions, if not billions, to death - both those who are reliant on power for their health and sustenance, and also by ensuring the world becomes even more of a ruthless hellscape where human life has little value.

It's a damn shame we never got a third Escape from... movie, even if only to see exactly what happened to humanity in the wake of Snake's actions.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.