10 Movie Endings The Audience Guessed Immediately

2. Logan

Logan Ending Hugh Jackman

Logan might be the textbook example of a movie that overcomes its sure predictability with incredible execution, proving that when something is dramatically satisfying enough, it doesn't matter if you know what's coming.

Between Logan being mounted as Hugh Jackman's final film playing Wolverine, the film's bloody R-rating and its grittier-than-usual tone, not to mention Logan being saddled with a child companion (Dafne Keen) for most of the movie, it had all the necessary ingredients to give the character a tear-soaked send-off.

That's exactly what fans got, and you'll struggle to find someone ready to dump on the film for doing what best suited the character dramatically.

Sure, the whole X-24 clone reveal was a surprise to many, but in terms of Logan's character arc through the film, it went exactly where it was expected to - and more importantly, where it needed to.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.