10 Movie Endings With Disturbing Implications You Totally Missed

3. Rose's Marriage Meant Less Than A Two-Day Fling - Titanic

Con Air Steve Buscemi

Let's pour one out for the most truly tragic character in James Cameron's Titanic - the man Rose (Kate Winslet) married after she survived the titular ship's sinking.

At the end of the film when Rose is either asleep or dead, we envision her being reunited with Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio) on the Titanic's grand staircase, seeming to suggest that despite living for more than 80 years after the Titanic sank, her heart still pined most for a man she had a two-day fling with.

Considering that Rose married another man, Mr. Calvert, and they had children together, it feels like a pretty bum outcome for her husband, reduced to a footnote to service the film's heart-swelling romantic throughline.

You can't deny Jack's pivotal role in saving Rose's life, but even so, it's a raw deal for the man with whom she had a life, built a family, and presumably spent entire decades with.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.