10 Movie Fan Theories EVERYONE Believed

5. The Joker Is Jason Todd - Suicide Squad

Star Wars The Last Jedi Snoke
Warner Bros.

The Theory

The DCEU's version of The Joker (Jared Leto) is actually Jason Todd, the second Robin after Dick Grayson, who was kidnapped by the original Joker and tortured to the point where he turned insane. After Batman kills The Joker in revenge, Todd becomes the new Joker.

Why Everyone Believed It

A lot of circumstantial evidence pointed to this being true: the "damaged" tattoo on The Joker's forehead suggested a tortured past, while Batman's (Ben Affleck) more violent mode of crime-fighting in Batman v Superman suggested an extremely pissed off, pushed-to-his-brink Dark Knight.

The pièce de résistance, however, was the defaced Robin suit seen briefly in Batman v Superman, which made it clear that something very, very bad happened to Batman's sidekick.

And so, what better movie than Suicide Squad to outline the Clown Prince of Crime's horrifying backstory?

What Actually Happened

Very little, sadly. Though an opening title did briefly identify Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie) as an accomplice in Robin's apparent murder, we learn almost nothing about The Joker's backstory, and his role in the film is ultimately much smaller than just about everyone expected.

And considering that Leto's divisive Joker has now effectively been jettisoned from the DCEU, we're unlikely to ever see his origins explored.

Zack Snyder did confirm on social media, however, that Batman's fallen sidekick would've been the original Dick Grayson version of Robin, seemingly closing the door on the Jason Todd theory for good.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.