10 Movie Franchises That Abandoned Their Original Genres

7. The Chronicles Of Riddick (2000-2004)

riddick vin diesel

Originally... The first movie in the Riddick franchise, Pitch Black, was a neat little sci-fi/horror story that saw the survivors of a spaceship crash trawling an "abandoned" desert planet. The movie was somewhat reminiscent of older, '50s-orientated monster movies, and was genuinely thrilling and suspenseful. So What Changed? For the sequel, The Chronicles Of Riddick, the "epic" scope was maximised in ways fans might never have expected: it emerged as an balls to the walls action movie, no doubt. Gone was the suspense that might've pegged Pitch Black a sci fi/horror, making the sequel an all out action spectacle. Did It Pay Off? A negative reaction from fans of the original and critics alike proved that bigger isn't necessary better.
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