10 Movie Franchises That Are Probably Doomed

3. Downton Abbey

No Time to Die
Focus Features

Much as the second Downton Abbey movie was subtitled "A New Era," it certainly felt like a fitting capper to the entire historical drama franchise, given that it concluded with the death of Maggie Smith's legendary Violet Crawley.

What more apt sign-off could there possibly be for Julian Fellowes' beloved series? But in 2024, a third film began production, which is itself being touted as the real end to the series.

Except, with the series' most popular figurehead character no longer being around, and Maggie Smith's recent passing ensuring she can't even appear in a flashback cameo, are fans really going to turn up for one more go-around?

The heart and soul of the series is gone, and so don't be shocked if Downton Abbey 3 colossally underperforms at the box office, with fans instead waiting to watch it on streaming - or perhaps even feeling little incentive to watch at all without Smith's involvement.

Granted, this would be a less-disastrous scenario than most franchises on this list given that Downton Abbey is winding down anyway, but Fellowes might've been better off just leaving it at two movies.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.