10 Movie Franchises That Are Probably Doomed
These franchises are all circling the drain - probably.

Though Hollywood doesn't want to hear it, it's basically impossible for any movie franchise to keep chugging along in perpetuity until the heat death of the universe - something is going to give eventually.
Given that cinematic popularity is trend-driven and all franchises end up falling out of favour at some point, it makes sense that most series eventually settle at an end-point, even if it's only when the box office starts drying up.
And in recent times, these are the movie franchises most obviously in danger for one reason or another, whether those in charge of the IP know it or not.
This might be because the series has failed to change with the times and connect with younger audiences, it's reached a natural ending and made little persuasive effort to reboot itself, or maybe the creatives in charge are just starting to age out of their positions.
No movie franchise can remain popular forever, and with that in mind, it's fair to say that these series are all circling the drain.
They might be able to pull out of their death spiral with a seriously bold move behind-the-scenes, but it's not looking good right now...
10. Ghostbusters

Some movies just don't have the juice to spawn a hit franchise, and Ghostbusters is certainly a prime example of that, even if it's impressively limped to a five-film series regardless.
Though the first two movies were sizable box office hits, 2016's all-female reboot was a monstrous flop, and though 2021's Ghostbusters: Afterlife was a modest hit, it also cashed in most of the series' remaining nostalgia chips with its appearances by the legacy cast.
Last year's follow-up Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire then confirmed that the IP had basically run dry of fun or interesting new ideas, and with its box office falling just shy of Afterlife's, indicates that the series has failed to grow an audience with younger viewers.
Given that the legacy cast are getting old and the younger cast members will need to pick up the slack, it's concerning that the franchise has failed to find success outside of people who've been Ghostbusters fans most of their lives.
Though a sequel to Frozen Empire is in early development, it's tough for anyone but the most die-hard and undemanding of Ghostbusters fans to muster much excitement for it.