10 Movie Franchises That Died In 2015

1. Paranormal Activity

The Franchise: 2009's original sent shockwaves through the film industry when it grossed a jaw-dropping $193.3 million against a tiny $15,000 budget. Sequels in 2010 and 2011 were both highly successful, before the gross began to dip with 2012's fourth film, but were still undeniably solid at $142.8 million. 2014's spin-off The Marked Ones then grossed $90.9 million and ended up surprisingly entertaining, abandoning many of the series' well-honed tropes and being the only one since the first that was really particularly satisfying. How It Died: Things then went dark for a while, and after numerous delays, fans finally got their apparent finale to the PA series this past October, a $10 million 3D movie which, with its gimmicky conception and lack of concrete answers, left fans and critics equally dismayed. Due to the film being released on VOD soon after its theatrical bow, many cinema chains refused to screen it, resulting in the worst box office take of the franchise, a paltry (but still indecently profitable) $51.9 million. The series could still survive on VOD given how many questions remain, but the disturbingly steep drop profit-wise just might be enough to kill it for good...or until it gets rebooted in another five years in the grand horror tradition. Which movie franchises were you most glad to see the back of in 2015? Shout them out in the comments!
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.