10 Movie Franchises That Died In 2022

8. Paranormal Activity

Black Adam Dwayne Johnson

The Paranormal Activity franchise is one of the most profitable, in terms of budget-to-box office, of all time. The low-budget found footage series has, across seven entries to date, grossed $890.5 million on a combined budget of just $28 million.

That's an astonishing result any way you slice it, and though the series seemingly wrapped up with 2015's disappointing Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension, last year Paramount attempted to give the series a soft reboot with the direct-to-streaming seventh film, Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin.

Next of Kin came and went without making much of a dent, enough that even the series' own producer, Jason Blum, called it "terrible."

More to the point, Blum added that though an eighth Paranormal Activity film has been shot and will release sometime next year, the series has effectively been shut down already.

Blum said:

"It has been enough already... You just have this feeling it's time to put [the series] to bed. It would come back if some director I love, like Scott Derrickson, said: 'I have a great idea for a Paranormal Activity movie. But it's not something I want to do [at the moment]."

There you have it. Blum has already given the franchise its marching orders, and the release of Paranormal Activity: The Other Side in 2023, presumably straight to Paramount+, is just a mere formality.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.