10 Movie Franchises That Embarrassed Their Creators

6. Rocky

Rocky V Sylvester Stallone Tommy Gunn

The Rocky franchise has been Sylvester Stallone's baby since inception, with Sly writing the script for the 1976 original without a penny to his name, landing Oscar nominations for Best Original Screenplay and Best Actor in the process.

But the film's titanic commercial success near-inevitably led to a franchise which, today, now includes a total of eight movies, with a ninth, Creed III, already in the early stages of development.

Stallone is uncommonly candid about his earlier career mistakes, though, and holds nothing back when talking about how misguided the terrible fifth film, Rocky V, was.

Originally mounted as the ending to the franchise, the 1990 sequel gave Rocky Balboa a miserable, depressing ending which couldn't have felt more counter to the underdog vibe of the original film.

In recent years, Stallone rated the film a 0/10 and freely admitted that he not only made the film for greed - being paid $15 million for his role - but only decided to make 2006's sixth film, Rocky Balboa, in the hope of reclaiming the character and making up for Rocky V's off-brand ending.

And that Stallone certainly did, even building on the character and netting himself a Best Supporting Actor Oscar nomination for his phenomenal performance in Creed.

One hopes that Rocky V and the character's tough road to redemption taught a vital lesson to Stallone, but considering that his Rambo franchise is also on this list, seemingly not...


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.