Pixar's 1995 animated movie is a landmark feature anyway you cut it: it brought CGI animation into the mainstream, forever changing the landscape of the medium and creating a host of loveable characters for audiences both young and old. As a testament to imagination and the joy of being a child, there is arguably no greater movie. At least until Toy Story 2 came along and presented a decidedly more ambitious premise, in which Woody contemplates the concept of being forever-adored in a museum against the bright-yet-fleeting love Andy feels for him. Then there's the devastating story of Jesse's abandonment, wonderful new characters like Bullseye and of course, Stinky Pete, who ominously reminds Woody that one day, Andy is going to outgrow him. Toy Story 3 is the culmination of everything these movies have tried to say thematically, with Woody and the other toys staring down the notion that Pete was right, and Andy isn't going to cling to his toys forever. Pixar manage to handle this quandry in a mature, realistic and emotionally gratifying way that makes Toy Story a tear-jerker which certainly earns your tears. Who will ever forget the iconic Incinerator scene, in which the toys appear to accept their fate, before being rescued at the last minute by the toy aliens? Rumours of a fourth Toy Story movie continue to abound, though hopefully Pixar won't be silly enough to undermine the pitch-perfect ending they came up with here. Are there any other movie franchises that simply kept getting better (and no, Mission: Impossible isn't an acceptable answer)? Let us know in the comments!
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.