10 Movie Franchises That Have Backed Themselves Into A Corner

2. Killing Off The Heart Of The Franchise - The Amazing Spider-Man

Sony are clearly have a tough time with their Amazing Spider-Man franchise; not only did the first two movies in the series fail to deliver the goods, but it just lost its most inherently interesting character. That's right: not Spider-Man himself, but Gwen Stacy, as played by the lovely and inimitable Emma Stone. She was the heart of the series, and now... So how do you fix a problem like The Amazing Spider-Man? Fact is, Sony have backed themselves into a corner in their attempts to build a cinematic universe that doesn't really have the scope to be one: nobody is really interested in a "Spider-Man Cinematic Universe" in the same way that they're interested in a potential DC Cinematic Universe (even the "X-Men/Deadpool Cinematic Universe" sounds more appealing). Now, having killed off Gwen, the world of The Amazing Spider-Man feels noticeably thin on the ground. Sony have shot themselves in the metaphorical foot - and it'll be tough for them to turn it around after so much middling fare has been unleashed upon fans already.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.