10 Movie Franchises That Made The Same Mistake TWICE

7. Spoiling The Twist In The Trailers - Terminator

Creed 2 Creed 3

The Terminator franchise has been in the shadow of James Cameron's masterful first two films for over 30 years, but made one especially glaring mistake two movies in a row - spoiling way too much in the marketing.

The fourth film, Terminator Salvation, freely spoiled the mid-film twist that Marcus Wright (Sam Worthington) is a human-machine hybrid, and sequel Terminator Genisys similarly gave away that John Connor (Jason Clarke) was now a Terminator antagonist.

Watching these movies without this knowledge would've made for a profoundly different and more interesting experience, and while the movies themselves are bad either way, it robbed viewers of discovering bold twists on the series' formula for themselves.

The producers at least learned their lessons for the most recent sixth film, Terminator: Dark Fate, which kept the death of John Connor under wraps until release. Yet this twist pissed fans off enough that the subsequently atrocious word-of-mouth killed its box office prospects. Yikes.

If you really want to be brutally honest, you could say that continuing the franchise after Terminator 2 is a mistake the series has now made four times...

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.