10 Movie Franchises That Made The Same Mistake TWICE

4. Not Ending The Franchise When It Makes Sense - Toy Story

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The first three Toy Story movies are as close to unimpeachable as cinema gets, with Toy Story 3 delivering a tremendously affecting, note-perfect conclusion to Woody (Tom Hanks) and Buzz's (Tim Allen) adventures.

But almost a decade later in 2019, the franchise was dusted off for Toy Story 4, the announcement of which rubbed many fans the wrong way.

It was tough to picture a more "unnecessary" sequel considering how brilliantly tied-off things felt after Toy Story 3, yet while the fourth film didn't reach the incredible heights of its predecessors, it was still a solid movie that served as an affecting epilogue to the original trilogy.

And once again, that seemed to be that.

But earlier this year, Disney confirmed that Toy Story 5 was in active development, with Tim Allen already confirmed to appear.

And let's face it, with Disney's stock plummeting to dangerous lows as of late, it's tough not to see the announcement as a cynical brand-bolstering exercise rather than a creative necessity because someone has a story they absolutely need to tell.

This isn't to say that Toy Story 5 will be bad, because it almost certainly won't be, but as much as corporations and executives don't want to hear it, sometimes fans actually want their most beloved franchises to have a gratifying and defined end point.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.