10 Movie Franchises That Probably Just Died

1. God's Not Dead

Fantastic Beasts the Secrets of Dumbledore
Fathom Events

If you're not familiar with the God's Not Dead franchise, apologies in advance for changing that.

The Christian drama franchise kicked off in 2014, when the first film became an unexpected smash hit at the box office despite overwhelmingly negative reviews, grossing more than $60 million on a mere $2 million budget.

God's Not Dead 2 didn't perform nearly as well but still turned a sizable profit relative to its small budget - and, again, in the face of a critical drubbing - but the wheels finally began to come off with 2018's threequel, God's Not Dead: A Light in Darkness.

The third film made just $7.4 million worldwide, with analysts suggesting that even the literally devout faithful saw the sequel as a blatant cash-grab.

But in an attempt to wring every last drop of blood out of the stone, a fourth film, God's Not Dead: We the People, was released last year, though only received a three-night theatrical release through Fathom Events.

Grossing a paltry $1.1 million while receiving few mainstream critical reviews, it's safe to say that the series' time is up, and while it could still try and eke out a living on streaming, clearly even the die-hard target audience has lost interest in it.

God may or may not be dead, but this franchise sure is.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.