10 Movie Franchises That Probably Just Died

8. Roland Emmerich's Disaster Movies

Fantastic Beasts the Secrets of Dumbledore

Over the last 30 years, Roland Emmerich has proven himself to be a one-man industry where disaster movies are concerned.

And though his blockbuster epics typically don't exist within the same continuity, it's safe to say that Independence Day, Godzilla 1998, The Day After Tomorrow, 2012, and Moonfall all feel cut from the same tonal and stylistic cloth.

Yet the recent release of Emmerich's Moonfall likely represents the end of an era for the director, because while his movies have rarely received much above wildly mixed reviews, it was his third big-budget blockbuster in a row to flop commercially.

Independence Day: Resurgence, Midway, and Moonfall all fell far short of box office expectations, and so it's looking incredibly unlikely that Emmerich will continue to be afforded these monstrous budgets in the future.

The general audience's appetite for Emmerich's brainless brand of destruction porn has seemingly finally been sated, and while he'll certainly continue to get work making lower-budget thrillers and action flicks, the days of him making $200 million tentpoles are almost definitely over.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.