10 Movie Franchises That Should Have Stopped At One Film

8. Saw

Liam Neeson Taken 2

Saw spawned seven more entries, each more preposterously unfeasible than the last. The only thing harder to understand than the absurdly contrived murder machinations was why anybody would pay to watch them. The first movie was an interesting slasher with a neat twist at the end.

Had they stopped at that first film, it would have gained status as a minor horror classic. When has artistic motivation ever been a factor in the thinking behind Hollywood's money-obsessed greed?

What is even more absurd than the ever more unlikely methods devised to off the cannon-fodder cast, is the complicated timeline sequencing of the movies, leading to numerous websites explaining the ins-and-outs of who, what and where. A better question would be why? Why does anyone care and why does anybody pay to see this drivel?

The fact that whenever the Saw franchise movies are ranked from best to worst, and the first is always the top of the list speaks for itself. Horror fans are a loyal bunch, something that is frequently exploited by the studios. It is rare for a great horror movie to exist as a stand-alone - look at Insidious, Nightmare on Elm Street, and Friday The 13th to name but a few.


Lifelong music obsessive, regular contributor to US guitar magazines, sometime radio presenter, singer/guitarist in Star Studded Sham, true believer in the power of rock'n'roll and an amp turned up to 11, about to publish first novel, The Bulletproof Truth.