10 Movie Franchises That Started Great And Then Fell Off A Cliff

1. Terminator

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The Terminator franchise is the cinematic manifestation of the definition of insanity, because no matter how hard they tried, each new attempt at rebooting the series suffered from the same mistakes. Despite there being four attempts in the last 30 years, we're still waiting on a sequel that can even enter the same stratosphere as James Cameron's classic two instalments, never mind be mentioned in the same breath.

Rise of the Machines at least gets minor pass marks for being a continuation of the same story, as well as an ending that came right out of the blue, but it isn't a great movie. From there Salvation, Genisys and Dark Fate all rebooted the timeline, claimed to finally be the movie to give fans what they wanted, and all of them ended up in the same boat after being greeted by a critical and commercial shrug.

Even Cameron himself couldn't save Dark Fate, and at this point it would be fair to say that we've had more than enough Terminator reboots already.

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