10 Movie Franchises That Started Great And Then Fell Off A Cliff

3. Jaws

Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Men Tell no Tales

The sequels to Jaws are best remembered these days for how bad they are more than anything else, but luckily there's nothing that can dilute the impact, influence or sheer game-changing status of Steven Spielberg's classic original.

Jaws is viewed as the first-ever summer blockbuster and even almost half a century later it still holds up as one of the best, and there's virtually no flaws at all to be found anywhere in the movie, which is all the more impressive when you consider how tortured the production process was.

After becoming the highest-grossing movie ever made, sequels were almost an inevitability, but it was impressive just how badly the studio dropped the ball. The fourth instalment in particular is absolutely horrendous, with all sense of logic or common sense going out of the window in favor of laughably unconvincing sharks and a clearly unenthused Michael Caine.


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