10 Movie Franchises That Were Doomed To Fail

3. Green Lantern

What's it about? DC Comics bring their Green Lantern property to the big screen with a little help from Warner Bros. Ryan Reynolds stars as the superhero who, with the help of a special ring, must take on Parallax - who appears as a monstrous cloud - before the balance of power in the universe is destroyed. Why was it doomed to fail? Having a large cloud as the principle villain hardly makes for an entertaining conflict and also highlights the overuse of CGI in Green Lantern which many found distracting. A long period in development ensured that the film also suffered from "too many cooks" syndrome, with a weak script and deviations from the comics which displeased fans. If you really want to sink your teeth into just why Green Lantern didn't stand a chance of getting a wider audience than it did, check out What Culture's guide to 50 reasons why the movie sucked. From the main character being an unlikeable jerk through to the nonsensical plot, Green Lantern's cinematic transgressions are legion.

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