10 Movie Franchises Which Got Terribly Adapted TWICE

9. Resident Evil

Tomb Raider
Screen Gems

Few video game franchises seemed more ripe for the big-screen treatment than legendary survival horror series Resident Evil, and yet, of the seven live-action Resident Evil films to date, there's an argument to be made that not a single one of them is actually, genuinely good.

Though Paul W.S. Anderson's original 2002 film has its moments as a kitschy B-movie, it's less successful as an actual Resident Evil adaptation, given how aggressively it takes liberties with the source material.

Ironically, though most of the five sequels were considerably more source-faithful, they were also much worse films, defined by atrocious writing, stiff acting, and clunky, visually garish set-pieces for the most part.

When Anderson's Milla Jovovich-led film franchise wrapped up in 2017,  there was hope for the swiftly announced reboot, which producers promised would be more reverent to the video games.

Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City was released in 2021, and while clinging far more closely to the stories of the first two games, the agonisingly low budget, oodles of cringe-worthy fan service, and unconvincing renditions of fan favourite characters (namely Leon) made it a second botched effort.

Yet Resident Evil is a fierce enough name brand - evidenced by the Anderson films actually turning a profit - that it's just a matter of time before Hollywood gives it a second big-screen reimagining.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.