10 Movie Franchises That Will Be Remembered For The Wrong Reasons

10. As The Franchise That Totally "Nuked The Fridge" - Indiana Jones

There's something about the Indiana Jones franchise that inherently warns: "This is not a movie series that should ever involve an alien, CGI or otherwise." Different religions? A bit of magic and mysticism? Sure! But aliens? Uh-uh. Steven Spielberg and Harrison Ford were both right to question George Lucas when he suggested that Indy 4 should involve extraterrestrials: somehow, he convinced them. And now we're here. Which is to say: even the most sincere and adoring fans of Indiana Jones are likely to think about the fact that there were CGI aliens in that long-awaited fourth movie at the utterance of their favourite hero's name. Forget the Ark of the Covenant or the Temple of Doom; it's aliens that prompt memories of Indy's adventures nowadays. And what a shame, given how awesome the first three movies actually were.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.