10 Movie Franchises With No Bad Sequels

8. Rocky

Rocky 3 Training Montage
MGM/UA Entertainment Company

Yes, all of the Rocky movies are good - even Adrien's Revenge.

When Rocky V exists, saying that none of the Rocky movies are bad is going to be a tough sell. However, that movie also sees Sylvester Stallone street-fight one of the most easily hateable villains in the entire franchise on the street, and I will defy anyone not to revert to their primordial "KILL KILL KILL" form when Sly gets back up and says "I didn't hear no bell." It is a deeply, deeply flawed film, but the Italian Stallion is impossible not to root for.

The first two Rocky movies are amazing showcases for Sly's talents - a thoughtful examination of the American dream from a uniquely working class perspective. They're emblematic of a filmic era that was vibrant, gritty, and unsure. In other words, they're '70s all over.

Rocky III and Rocky IV, however, are completely the opposite. They're '80s to a T, presenting montage-laden heroic struggles between good and evil where Rocky is the best and all of his problems can be solved with boxing. Rocky V attempts to rein this back in somewhat, somehow yielding even more ridiculous results in the process, but they're all still a fun time. That's partially down to how great Rocky is as a character - even in his worst stories, he'll always be great to watch.

Thankfully, the Rocky series got a second lease on life thanks to the reflective 2007 entry, Rocky Balboa, and by far the best legacy sequel we've gotten in Creed, which has also yet to make a misstep with any of its follow-ups either.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.