10 Movie Heroes Who Didn’t Know They Were The Villains
3. The Narrator - Fight Club

David Fincher's psychological thriller Fight Club, (based off the Chuck Palahnuik book) is a movie that has been combed over by movie buffs for well over twenty years in such detail that to talk about it now would be overkill.
The film's two leads, played by Edward Norton and Brad Pitt are revealed towards the end to be the same person; the latter of the two being a more confident and charismatic alternate personality to Edward Norton's meek and oppressed form; whom is never named and credited as The Narrator.
While Tyler Durden (Pitt) is the aggressive, silver-tongued cult-leader whose plans wind up blowing up buildings and getting people killed, The Narrator isn't all that squeaky clean.
Throughout the film, The Narrator attempts to understand and later dismantle Tyler's schemes, but is countered at every turn and while we might be inclined to perceive these two split personalities as different entities, The Narrator is still ultimately the antagonist.
The surprise that for the entire film Tyler has been an exaggerated figment of The Narrator's imagination only serves to clarify the dangerous and unpredictable nature of Norton's character. While he does "kill" Tyler, The Narrator still has a few questions to answer for.