10 Movie Heroes Who Fell For The Same S**t In The Sequel

7. Thor Is A Sucker For All Of Loki's Tricks - Thor: The Dark World

James McAvoy X-Men
Marvel Studios

Considering that Thor (Chris Hemsworth) and his half-brother Loki (Tom Hiddleston) suffered through each other's company for the better part of a millennium, Thor really should be able to see through his mischievous sibling's tricks by now, no?

In the first Thor film, Loki tricked him by seemingly falling to his death but miraculously living to fight another day.

He then resurfaced in The Avengers - which, within the tapestry of the MCU, is basically a sequel to Thor - and used his duplication trick to trap Thor inside the Helicarrier's glass prison, which he then dropped out of the sky.

But Loki saved his most cunning trickery for Thor: The Dark World, faking his own death and disguising himself as his adoptive father Odin (Anthony Hopkins).

Granted Thor's foolishness is more charming than annoying in these films, and you can bet that he would do anything to have his departed trickster brother back among the living.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.