10 Movie Jacks You Need In A Crisis

3. Jack Aubrey - Master And Commander: The Far Side Of The World

Role in the team: The Leader Perhaps less well remembered than the era's more colourful Captain Jacks - Sparrow and Harkness - Napoleonic warship commander "Lucky" Jack Aubrey is nevertheless a strong choice for the leader of Team Jack. Jack Sparrow might have picked up an acting nomination in the year the two Captain Jacks' films came out, but Aubrey's film, Master And Commander: The Far Side Of The World, picked up ten nominations, including Best Picture and Director. As embodied by Russell Crowe with a bizarre blond ponytail, Aubrey is commanding, strong and stubborn. This latter streak of pig headedness and determination, apparent in the way he sticks to his pursuit of the French privateer Acheron right around the world, would mean that he could easily handle any dissent in the ranks of the other Jacks. Whether in control of everything that goes on aboard his ship HMS Surprise or leading his men into battle and boarding the enemy ship, Aubrey is a bold decision maker and charismatic leader that inspires admiration and support from his men, even when he's telling terrible weevil jokes.

Loves ghost stories, mysteries and giant ape movies