10 Movie Mistakes Directors Refused To Fix Because The Acting Was Too Good

2. Leonardo DiCaprio Cuts His Hand Mid-Take - Django Unchained

Django Unchained Leonardo DiCaprio

The Mistake

It's practically a meme at this point, but yes, when Calvin Candie (Leonardo DiCaprio) slams his hand down onto a glass and cuts it during Django Unchained, Candie's subsequent bloody hand was a genuine wound of DiCaprio's, who didn't notice an actual piece of glass on the table.

The Awesome Acting

Ever the dedicated pro, however, DiCaprio continued to act out the take as blood began to flow from his hand, with none of his co-stars breaking the illusion either.

Once the take was finished, the cast and crew erupted into applause, and Tarantino was so impressed with DiCaprio's performance that, despite his militant preference for sticking to the script, he agreed to use the take in the final movie.

Better still, DiCaprio then suggested the idea of having Candie rub his bloody hand on Broomhilda's (Kerry Washington) face, though despite popular belief, said blood wasn't actually DiCaprio's.

Instead, his hand was tended to between set-ups and the blood rubbed over Washington's face was fake.

This scene alone probably confirmed to Tarantino that he'd be working with DiCaprio again in the future.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.