10 Movie Mistakes That Made Characters Look Like Idiots

1. Chip Makes A Phone Call From The Power Line - The Cable Guy

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The Cable Guy's eccentric - if we're being kind - protagonist "Chip" Douglas (Jim Carrey) may be a damn weird dude, but he's at least implied to have a comprehensive knowledge of how cable and telecommunications technologies actually work.

That being his job and all, no matter how creepily he does it.

And when Chip calls up his "friend" Steven's (Matthew Broderick) girlfriend Robin (Leslie Mann) in order to meddle in his life, we see him supposedly tapping directly into a local telephone line to do so. Except, he's actually tapping into the power line above.

The phone and cable lines would actually be situated lower down on the telegraph pole, and where Chip's sitting he wouldn't have much luck trying to call anyone, as he should absolutely be aware.

Plus, you know, hanging out between two power lines is a really bad idea if you value your life at all.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.