10 Movie Mistakes That Made Characters Look Like Idiots

3. The Total Lack Of Trigger Discipline - Independence Day

Avengers Endgame Black Widow
Warner Bros.

One more background character now, albeit one whose infraction proves decidedly more alarming than some guy deciding to air-sweep.

In Independence Day's third act, there's a scene featuring the RAF in the Iraqi desert, and one of the soldiers - whose name badge identifies him as "Ken Saracen" - just might tout the most incompetent trigger discipline in cinematic history.

That is to say, the guy is not only pointing his gun at a fellow officer, he's also got his finger resting on the trigger. You needn't be an Army vet to appreciate that no soldier not participating in combat would ever be trained to do this.

Easy though it is to mock the unnamed extra in question, the blame likely lies most with director Roland Emmerich or his assistant director, who should've given the extra more express instructions on what to do - or, er, what not to do in this case.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.