10 Movie Mistakes You Can Never Unsee

5. The Obviously Fake Baby - American Sniper

American Sniper Bradley Cooper
Warner Bros.

Clint Eastwood's American Sniper is a sobering, brilliantly acted look at the life and times of slain marksman Chris Kyle (Bradley Cooper), though very nearly derails itself mid-way with one of the most infamous mistakes in any Oscar-nominated movie ever.

When Chris and his wife Taya (Sienna Miller) are at home, Chris tends to their newborn daughter, which is surely the most blatantly fake baby prop doll audiences have ever seen.

Clips of Cooper holding this clearly lifeless, plastic thing and even using his thumb to slyly move the baby's arm quickly went viral, while industry analysts wondered whether the terrible gaffe might affect American Sniper's Oscar chances. Perhaps tellingly, it won just a single of its six nominations.

Screenwriter Jason Hall later confirmed that they had a real baby and a backup ready to go on the day of shooting, both of which fell through, prompting the famously efficient Eastwood to use a doll instead.

Cooper and Miller really tried their best to sell it, but the fact that the doll doesn't even remotely move like a real baby is distracting to the point that it's near-impossible to pay attention to what's actually being said during the scene.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.