10 Movie Mistakes You'll Never Unsee

1. Maverick's Teleporting Sunglasses - Top Gun

Terminator 2
Paramount Pictures

And finally, the ending to the original 1986 Top Gun is so gloriously triumphant that you're probably too swept up in the moment to notice a blatant continuity error pertaining to Maverick's (Tom Cruise) iconic aviator sunglasses.

During the climactic scene where Maverick and Iceman (Val Kilmer) have their unforgettable "wingman" exchange, you'll probably remember that Maverick isn't wearing sunglasses.

Yet as soon as Slider (Rick Rossovich) picks Maverick up and holds him in the air, the sunglasses have suddenly, seemingly magically transported themselves directly onto his face, where they remain for the rest of the scene.

It may be a pretty straightforward continuity issue at the end of the day, but considering that it's one of the movie's undeniable cornerstone moments, it's honestly surprising that more fans haven't spotted it over the years.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.