10 Movie Moments Actors Didn't Know Were Coming

5. Samuel L. Jackson Didn't Know There Was An Unbreakable Connection - Split

The Usual Suspects
Universal Pictures

It is generally expected that every movie made by M. Night Shyamalan will feature a big twist of some sort, sometimes to the extent that it goes a long way to determining whether audiences enjoy it or not. Though The Sixth Sense is the most famous, the surprise reveal at the end of Split was arguably even better.

16 years after releasing Unbreakable, out of absolutely nowhere Bruce Willis showed up at the end of Split to tease what would ultimately be Glass, a sequel to both movies. The world was shocked, including Mr. Glass himself.

Samuel L. Jackson portrayed the villain in Shyamalan's 2000 outing opposite Bruce Willis, and though the David Dunn actor was obviously informed of the plans for a sequel beforehand, Jackson wasn't. Instead, he simply had to watch the movie and see Bruce Willis just like everyone else.

The director told Jackson to watch Split, without going into the details as to why, allowing the actor's jaw to hit the floor when he saw the connection to his own movie from almost two decades prior. Thankfully, Split was a box office hit, and Glass was greenlit, and even though the movie was underwhelming, at least we weren't left wondering what could have been.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.