10 Movie Moments That Actually Happened To Actors In Real Life

1. Ryan Gosling Went Through A Version Of The Baseline Test - Blade Runner 2049

Blade Runner 2049 Ryan Gosling
Warner Bros.

While you might not expect much of Blade Runner 2049's high-concept sci-fi shenanigans to be rooted in any sort of tangible, lived experience for its cast members, that's not entirely true.

You might remember the sequence where replicant K (Ryan Gosling) is subjected to a "baseline test" - an exam administered to check whether K's replicant-hunting work is having any impact on his psyche.

Though the particulars of the test aren't fully explained, we see K reciting a string of poetic dialogue before entering into a call-and-response-type exercise, with the examiner asking questions where K replies with either "cells" or "interlinked."

By not deviating or registering a heightened emotional response, he passes with flying colours.

Believe it or not, this intense sequence was influenced by Ryan Gosling's own experiences as an actor, enough that he ended up writing it himself.

The baseline test is inspired by an acting exercise called "Dropping In" which Gosling had been subjected to in his younger days.

The exercise operates in an extremely similar structure to the baseline test, with the subject being asked a battery of questions while being expected to repeat a given word as a response to each question.

The exercise aims to forge an emotional connection between the actor and the word in question, and as a student of this method himself, Gosling put it to fascinatingly effective use in Denis Villeneuve's mammoth sci-fi blockbuster.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.