10 Movie Moments Where You Had No Idea What Was Going To Happen Next

4. Jack Is Tyler Durden - Fight Club

Uncut Gems Adam Sandler

David Fincher's iconic dramatic thriller is a film that just can't be put in a box - from the moment it starts, it's continually one-upping expectations with its difficult-to-categorise premise, inscrutable performances, and ambitiously surreal visual style.

Even so, Fight Club becomes something else entirely when, almost an entire half-hour before the end, it's revealed that our narrator protagonist "Jack" (Edward Norton) and Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt) are one and the same, Durden being a dissociated personality within Jack's mind.

"We have just lost cabin pressure," Jack tells us, and he's not wrong - it's one of the best twists in film history, and with so much movie time left, viewers have absolutely no idea where it's all leading.

Things only escalate from there - Jack just barely avoids being castrated, discovers "Tyler" is planning to blow up the credit card buildings to erase the debt record, and shoots himself in the face in order to "kill" Tyler in his own mind.

Oh, and the buildings still blow up anyway while The Pixies take us to the end credits.

Nobody could've guessed any of that would happen as a consequence of Tyler's true identity being revealed. What a wild ride.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.