10 Movie Moments Which Aren’t What They Seem

5. Babe - 48 Piglets Are Better Than One

In case you didn't know, piglets grow up fast.

So, when George Miller (yep, the same dude who made the Mad Max series) was producing Babe in the mid 90's, he quickly realised that he couldn't make this heartwarming tale about a piglet who realised their dream of becoming a sheep dog with just one little porker.

He needed a few more...or more specifically 48 live piglets and one animatronic youngster used for specific scenes.

That's right. The film's production squad could only use the Large White Yorkshire infants for a three week window before requiring another young Babe to take their place. This meant that six pigs were bred every three months and eventually trained to step in once each batch of pink sprogs had grown too big for the shoot.

46 of the 48 little piggies that were bred each found themselves on screen for at least a few seconds in the surprise smash hit.

So, if you ever wondered what happened to that one famous piglet who stole your heart, it turns out it was sharing the spotlight with 45 other oinking sensations who quickly moved onto bigger and better things soon after finishing up their three week stint on the flick...

...let's not talk about what actually probably happened to them, eh?

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La Haine
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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...