10 Movie Murders That Were Utterly Impossible To Solve

8. Taking Lives

The former part of the Braneglina couple doesn't get all the fun when it comes to impossible murder mysteries, mind. Angelina Jolie has appeared in her fair share of whodunits, too, and most of them are of the sort where nobody could possibly figure them out with the clues dropped throughout the films' running times. In fact, there are times in 2004's Taking Lives where it's not clear that the screenwriter necessarily knew what the eventual end to the mystery was, since he was busy imagining the steamy love scenes between Jolie's FBI profiler and Ethan Hawke's witness to a murder. Who, it turns out, might be the next victim. Gulp! Okay, so the big twist in this one might not be totally out of the blue. The film opens with a prologue where a couple of teenage hitchikers make pals on a bus, one comments on their similar height and then pushes the other into oncoming traffic, stealing his identity. The murderer is the same Jolie is later hunting, and whom Hawke's art collector claims to have seen doing another of his bad deeds, only for - wait! - Hawke to turn out to be the murderer all along! This one's different because the film is so clearly foreshadowing this reveal that, watching it, viewers assume it's a red herring. Surely they wouldn't signpost such an obvious twist? But they are. It's either a smart double bluff, or a stupid film. It's the latter.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/