10 Movie Mysteries That Will Likely Never Be Solved

Yes Joker, we would love to know how you got these scars!

In Bruges Colin Farrell

With any story you get invested in, you would usually expect something watertight, with as few threads left dangling by the end as possible. Essentially, you want any questions answered before you leave the cinema. This isn't always the case, however.

Sometimes, by the time the credits begin to roll on a movie, there are still mysteries left to ponder. These may revolve around plot holes, but may also just be a product of certain parts of the story not being explained in great detail. Or even at all.

There could be any number of reasons for this. Who doesn't love a cliffhanger that leaves the audience begging for an answer they know they just won't get? Sometimes it's meant to leave a plot thread open for a future story that for whatever reason may not happen, and sometimes it's there to let the audience decide.

Ambiguity is a powerful tool in cinema, and whether done well or not so much, a question to ponder can drive audiences crazy. This is true in particular for these 10 mysteries, as the odds of ever getting closure are about as slim as can be.

10. Who Was Sophie's Real Father? - Mamma Mia!

In Bruges Colin Farrell

Who doesn't love ABBA? In 2008, an impressive cast came together to bring the Mamma Mia! musical to the big screen, and while the movie didn't exactly set the world alight, it did revolve around a genuinely compelling mystery that is still unsolved to this day.

Amanda Seyfried's Sophie was getting married and wanted to invite her father to the wedding. The issue? She didn't know who her father was. After going through her mother's diaries, she narrowed it down to three candidates who were all invited to the big day under the guise that they were Sophie's father themselves.

Through the twists and turns of the movie, interspersed with spontaneous singing and dancing, there was no definitive answer as to who Sophie's biological father was. All three men, Harry, Bill, and Sam decided they were happy being one-third of a father to Sophie, which is lovely and heartwarming, but it does leave audiences with a big question.

Amanda Seyfried herself has previously said she hoped that Bill was Sophie's father, however, even the sequel didn't confirm what everyone wanted to know. The identity of her father wasn't really the point of the movie, but still, it would have been nice to know.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.