10 Movie Openings That Wanted To Piss You Off

2. Don Runs For It - 28 Weeks Later

It Pennywise
20th Century Fox

28 Weeks Later may not quite live up to the brilliance of 28 Days Later, but it's still a worthy sequel that boasts one of the most intense - and infuriating - openings to any movie ever.

The film kicks off with Don (Robert Carlyle) and his wife Alice (Catherine McCormack) holed up in a remote cottage with other survivors on the outskirts of London.

When a boy shows up on their doorstep, however, Alice lets him in, bringing with him a horde of the Rage-infected who quickly overrun the cottage and slaughter most of the survivors inside.

Don begs Alice to leave the boy for their own survival, but when she refuses, Don abandons them as the infected swarm the cottage. Don makes a mad dash to a nearby boat, just barely escaping before the infected are able to catch him.

It's a dizzying sequence and one which left many immediately pissed off with Don for fleeing his wife and a terrified little boy.

But that's precisely the point - it's a provocation, to consider that while we all like to think of ourselves as courageous, brave people, we're far more likely to be overpowered by the fight-or-flight response and high-tail it.

That a zombie film of all things broaches such a discomforting truth of human nature surely only makes it that much more maddening to watch.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.