10 Movie Outtakes That Should Have Stayed In

6. John Cena's Insane Ad-Libbing - Trainwreck

Trainwreck John Cena Amy Schumer

It wasn't too many years ago that John Cena's attempts to break into Hollywood seemed mostly doomed, yet his small-but-memorable role in Amy Schumer's 2015 rom-com Trainwreck proved all the doubters wrong.

Cena plays Steven, the casual boyfriend of Schumer's protagonist Amy, and spends most of the movie sending-up the meathead stereotype he invites from a single cursory glance.

As confirmed by a featurette on Cena's role, he shot far more material than made it into the movie, thanks to director Judd Apatow's penchant for allowing his cast to improv to their heart's content.

The famous scene where Steven and Amy are talking in the cinema and Steven gets into an argument with a black couple nearby was trimmed down from a far larger exchange, where Steven gets not-so-casually racist, before defensively claiming that he bought Public Enemy's "Fight the Power" single and watches Spike Lee movies.

The capper, though? Both of them tell the couple to "Do the right thing" - in reference to Lee's 1989 classic movie of the same name, of course - at which point the disgruntled couple appears to leave the cinema.

The whole exchange is hilariously obnoxious enough that it clearly should've made the cut, even if at 125 minutes in length, Trainwreck was already verging on overlong.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.