10 Movie Performances Even MORE Impressive When You Know The Truth

8. Leonardo DiCaprio Battles Hypothermia - The Revenant

Ed Harris The Truman Show
20th Century Fox

When the initial trailers for Alejandro González Iñárritu's The Revenant first landed online back in 2015, fans were rightly bracing themselves for a relentless and harsh experience on the big screen.

Yet, in order to translate the hostile environment the likes of Hugh Glass and John Fitzgerald were occupying in South Dakota towards the end of 1823 to cinema screens, the Oscar-winning director dragged his famous stars into the fierce cold of Calgary in Alberta, Canada, and a few other treacherous locations, to shoot.

Throughout the feature we see Leonardo DiCaprio's Glass put himself through hell to get revenge on Tom Hardy's Fitzgerald for killing his son, whilst he watched on helplessly after sustaining life-threatening injuries during a bear attack. However, the star himself also had to battle through some potentially deadly scenarios in order to bring Glass to life on screen.

DiCaprio has gone on record to state that "30 to 40 sequences" he filmed during the shoot were some of the most difficult things he'd ever had to do, with the actor getting into and out of frozen rivers, sleeping in animal carcasses, eating a raw bison liver, and constantly trying to stave off hypothermia during and in-between scenes.

People may dispute whether or not this should've been the performance which finally landed DiCaprio his long-awaited Academy Award Best Actor win, but you can't say he didn't earn it!


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...