10 Movie Performances Which Saved An Actor’s Career

7. Jennifer Lopez - Ramona Vega In Hustlers

John Travolta

After a number of critical successes towards the end of the '90s in the form of Selena, Antz and Out of Sight, Jennifer Lopez slowly began to settle down in the romantic comedy genre. However, despite some of these projects actually going down well with people fond of the genre, films like The Wedding Planner, Monster-in-Law and *shudders* Gigli didn't exactly set her apart as a top drawer thespian.

That largely didn't matter over the next two decades, though, as J-Lo still had a highly successful music career and various TV gigs, such as being a judge on American Idol for a spell, to fall back on. It was this drop in quality when it came to her roles on the big screen, however, which ultimately made her impressive turn as Ramona Vega in 2019's Hustlers such a pleasant surprise.

As a veteran stripper at the centre of a hustle which saw a group of women getting rich men drunk and stealing their money via credit card transactions, Lopez produced a fascinating, career-best performance. It's little surprise the star went on to be nominated for a Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actress in the wake of the film's release.

With Lopez now set to appear as Colombian drug lord Griselda Blanco in The Godmother, Hustlers may just be the beginning of a bold new chapter in her, until recently, largely underwhelming movie career.

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